Workshop Online: “Violence, Democratization, and the Rule of Law in the Late Habsburg Empire” – 16 aprile 2021

Si segnala ai lettori il workshop online:

Violence, Democratization, and the Rule of Law in the Late Habsburg Empire


Workshop 16 April 2021_page-0001

Organizzato dal prof. Matteo Millan e da Claire Morelon nel contesto delle attività del progetto ERC – Prewaras. The dark side of the Belle Epoque, il workshop si terrà online il 16 aprile 2021.

Di seguito riportiamo il programma dell’evento:

10.15 – 10.30:

Welcome and introduction (Matteo Millan and Claire Morelon)

10.30 – 12.00: First session

-Chair: Giulia Albanese

-Birgitta Bader-Zaar (University of Vienna): “Processes of democratization as sites of modernization and violence in Habsburg Austria”

-Peter Techet (University of Freiburg): “Violence in Society, but not against the State — Intra-Catholic conflicts as Acts of Emancipation of Marginalized Peoples in the Austro-Hungarian Littoral after 1890”

-Claire Morelon (University of Padova): “Democratization and Its Discontents: Violence and the Protection of Social Order in Habsburg Austria”

12.00 – 14.00: Break

14.00 – 15.30: Second session

-Chair: Nicola Camilleri

-Jonathan Gumz (University of Birmingham): “Military Law and its Discontents in the Wartime Habsburg Empire”

-Stefano Petrungaro (University of Venice): “Changing representations and practices of peasants’ protests in late Habsburg Croatia”

-Aliaksandr Piahanau (University of Padova): “Hungarian Royal Gendarmerie and Political Violence in ‘Happy Peaceful Times’ (1881 – 1914)”

15.30 – 16.00: Break

16.00 – 16.30: Final Remarks

-Pieter Judson (EUI) and concluding discussion.